
We can do bookkeeping when you need it – daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually at tax time. Regardless of when we do it we follow the same process.

We review how transactions have been coded in the past and apply that knowledge to the current transactions. If it is something obvious we code it the way you have always coded it. If it is something we have not seen before we will see if there is an invoice to work it out otherwise this will go on the query list.

Like all accountants we make sure the sales/income reported in the accounts matches the BAS. We make sure wages match the BAS and what has been reported via STP and we split the BAS payments into their components.

When we find issues we report them to you. Maybe your client has done their own bookkeeping and we are checking it for the quarterly BAS. They might have claimed GST on something they should not have or maybe they they missed something. In either scenario we will report that to you.



We process payroll when you need it done. We can process regular recurring payroll or payroll based on time reported or other manual systems. We just need access to the data to run the payroll.

We also setup new employees or calculate final payouts for departing employees.

We are familiar with nearly all the payroll systems from the most popular Xero/MYOB through to Payroller and Reckon. So it does not matter what size firm you are or your clients are.

We can also keep on top of the ever changing awards and the complexity that those cause.


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